Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veronica's On Sale!!!


I'm so happy that that I waited to get Veronica Mars on DVD - Amazon is selling the first two seasons for $14.99 (!!!) each right now! That's about 60 dollars total savings! I don't know how long it'll last, so head over there and snatch it up, people. It also makes for a great stocking stuffer (No, I don't make any money from being such a shill, unfortunately). Anyway, one of the greatest shows in recent memory for less than thirty bucks! Ahh!!!

Yes, we'll still have to get the wishy-washy (but still mostly terrific) 3rd season at some point, but surely it'll come down in price in the future as well.

(found via AICN)


Barry said...

I already have all 3 of them =)

Barry said...

Also, what did you think of No Country for Old Men?

Anonymous said...

I got mine for that price at Best Buy over the weekend (I got the 2nd one, already had season 1). i love these kind of deals! :) As a side note: Firefly was 14.99 at Target this week too.

Jason Adams said...

Barry - I... I'm having trouble working out my reaction to No Country, to be honest. It's one of them movies that's demanding I see it a second time. I went in with expectations, I think, that were the wrong ones to have, and it threw me off. In a good way, mind you, I just really need to gather my wits about me on it some before I can even come close to offering much of an opinion.

The one thing I have figured out? That Beth Grant is my hero.

Stacie Ponder said...

I gotta wait for a price drop for Season 3, dammit. I don't think I've ever paid more than about $27 for a season of TV- I'm always waiting for that bargain!

Of course, that's why I'm still languishing at the 'halfway through Season 2' mark with Battlestar Galactica. :(

Yaseen Ali said...

Holy crap! Thanks so much for that heads-up - I just finished filling out my order for the Second Season. The price on the Canadian Amazon site is $59.98 (!), which makes no sense because our dollar is so strong right now.