Monday, October 29, 2007

Teen Horniness Is Not A Crime


The NY Times has an article on Richard Kelly and his quickly approaching motion picture Southland Tales that's definitely worth checking out if you're a Kelly-devotee like myself. I was especially amused - and anxious to buy my own copy - by this part:

"“Southland Tales” simulates the over-saturation of the 21st-century mediascape and delights in, even as it mocks, the vulgar absurdities of celebrity culture. Ms. Gellar’s character, for example, is a multitasking, politically minded sex-film star — “Jenna Jameson meets Arianna Huffington,” Mr. Kelly said — with a “View”-like talk show and a hit song called “Teen Horniness Is Not a Crime” (co-written by Mr. Kelly and to be released as a single)."

Hee! That's a whole lotta possibly-terrible wonderfulness, and I must have it.


J.D. said...





Marius said...

I'm concerned that it was booed at Cannes, but I'm still going to watch it. Thanks for sharing.