Monday, October 29, 2007

Gay Day

November 19th, 2007 is going to be a very gay day round these here internets - last week, QTA announced their first blogathon, The Queer Film Blogathon, for that date, and you can bet your bottom dollar that myself and loads of The Blogs That Matter will be flexing our Queer Cinema muscles in a brawny display of Gay Movie Might.

Head over to QTA for the official announcement and to see heaps upon scores of ideas upon which one could lay their post's foundation upon. It's such a wide open topic that I'll be surprised to see any post-overlap, and should make for great reading.

Y'all - every last one of you - should join up! I'm sure even you weirdos who profess to be heterosexual might have something worthwhile on the topic to say, too.

1 comment:

qta said...

I am loving you so for this shout out.