Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pic of the Day

Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell at the Venice Film Festival (via Towleroad):

Nothing like a little brotherly affection. The two play brothers in Woody Allen's latest, Cassandra's Dream - which you can watch the trailer for right here - and now they've got me thinking all sorts of faux-incest thoughts. Maybe the movie takes an odd turn in the second half? One can dream. Dirty, dirty.


Cherita said...

Whoa! Why couldn't this have turned up, say, yesterday, when I was so desperate for stimulation in Jake's absence? Though I have to say, that's not the best I've seen Ewan looking. He's not like Jake; he does occasionally take a bad photo, poor dear. At least Colin has made him look tall here. So, let me guess: with the beautiful and quiver-inducing Scottish and Irish accents available, the characters will be...English? :P

Glenn Dunks said...

Well, it is a Woody Allen movie. He's not adverse to some faux-incest. Maybe it'll turn out Colin was adopted freeing the way for hot sex?

Jason Adams said...

I knew there was a Woody Allen joke in there somewhere, Glenn, it was just too early for me when I posted this to come up with one. But yes, let's hope that Colin's playing a thinly veiled Soon-Yi, eh? ;-)