Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I Am Link

So yeah, yesterday was a bit of a bust, I think getting out of the city for the weekend and throwing me around a bunch of dogs and cats and (yuck) nature made my fragile head-ecosystem explode, and I could hardly think. A thousand doses of Sudafed later, I feel a lil' better. Anyway, here's some news I care about that I've missed...

--- That Monster Movie - Slash/Film has a post on the ever-shifting titles for JJ Abrams' "Cloverfield" project... the latest rumor is that it'll be called Wreck... which just cries out for unfavorable review puns, doesn't it?

--- I See the Southland
- Twitch posted three clips from Richard Kelly's Southland Tales; I haven't watched them because honestly, even though I post about it all the time, I'm trying to go in as fresh-minded as possible. Southland supposedly comes out on November 9th.

--- Femur-O's - BD has a few new shots from George Romero's latest Zombie-Opus, Diary of the Dead, including that rather graphic shot at the left there of... some fine dining.

--- Renewed Faith - The latest issue of the Buffy: Season 8 comics hits the stands today, and it ventures into a different story arc this round, now telling us what's going on with that lovable other Slayer, Faith. I smell a Cleveland Hellmouth! Wizard has an interview with comics (and Lost!) scribe (and, everyone keeps telling me, genius) Brian K. Vaughn, who's taken over the reins from Joss for this story-arc.


J.D. said...

I really just like the Cloverfield title. Is that so wrong?

PIPER said...

Cloverfield had me until the whole obsession with the Statue Of Liberties head. Then it lost me. And it has lost me more with its new title. Now I'm completely lost.

J.D. said...

[gasps] It's the LOST movie! I knew it!