Irrefutable proof that Life Is Not Fair #3,246,542 - The American remake of Footballers' Wives wasn't picked up, so we'll never see A) How totally awesome Lucy Lawless would've been vamping it up, and B) Eddie Cibrian as a football player in a frothy nighttime soap in which it'd have been guaranteed that he'd have been out of his uniform as much as he'd have been in it - a win-win situation, really, cuz he's gonna be hot either way. Proof:

This gets dumped, but that Geico Cavemen show is picked up? Argh! Boycott ABC!!!

This gets dumped, but that Geico Cavemen show is picked up? Argh! Boycott ABC!!!
truly a shame. the 1st 3 seasons of the original FW was same of the tastiest trash I've ever indulged in. Oh the bittersweet life of a girl named Chardonnay. . .
In other news, I didn't watch BB8 last night. ANd the spell is broken. I'll read updates but never again will i have to look at the hyena or the dick. . .
I was just thinking about how this show would have been great the other day. But here's the deal: if a show with THAT cast and THAT built in fan base didn't get picked up in favor of a show based off of a series of Car Insurance Commercials, I'm not too optimistic about the quality of it.
God I love Footballer's Wives. The original British one. It's so crazy.
I am gonna die of fright if/when the American Kath & Kim comes to light. That show is so tied to Australian culture that I can't see it working for America, much like Footballer's Wives.
Yeah, can you imagine the locker room scenes?
Good lord, I truly loath TV executives.
John - well, to be honest, I'd been imagining locker-room scenes with Eddie Cibrian in them YEARS ago. So yes - I can, I have, imagined them. And will continue to do so. Until the end of time.
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