Monday, August 20, 2007

Quote of the Day

At the end of Television Without Pity's "weecap" of last night's episode of Big Brother, Miss Alli lays it out like it is:

"I fucking hate this show. In my entire history of recapping, including the Mike Boogie fiasco and a bunch of episodes of Married By America, I've never thought to myself, "I really wish I weren't covering it, because then I wouldn't have to watch it." Seriously, if I weren't here for you people, I would not watch another episode for the rest of the season, and I'm not just saying that, either. I skipped a few seasons of this show in the middle there, and I didn't really miss it, and I wouldn't miss it again. But like Rod Tidwell, I do what I say I'm going to do, so I'll see you all again soon. I encourage you to stop watching the show and rely solely on us. We'll tell you if anything important happens, which it won't."

I didn't watch last night's episode and I have no intention of watching the show this week. I've watched BB every single season, even season one when nobody was watching, and I have no desire to watch this thing that's morphed into The Dick & Dani Show, and until I hear that things turn on the two of them I am not gonna watch it. Fuck you, CBS, and I hope your ratings plummet.


tony libido said...

I was smart. Yesterday, i went and bought some brain damaged scorpions and put them in a box. So from 8 to 9 pm last night rather than turn on the TV I watched my box of dumb scorpions and occasionally shook the box to see what they would do. It was so entertaining.

PS Was I supposed to like Bridge to Terabithia?

Jason Adams said...

re: Terabithia - I haven't seen it nor read the book nor really ever gotten the slightest twinge of need to do either of those things so I can't tell you. Why?

Hee, dumb scorpions. That about sums it up.

tony libido said...

sorry that was random of me. it's what ended up going in the dvd player last night. I'd heard many good things about it and found it ultra-cloying (with some decent ideas mixed in there). Do avoid.

Anonymous said...

You missed a great episode. Loved how Amber doesn't know the meanings of simple words. Though, people on TVgasm say it might be her previous Meth use.

I really don't think Dick and Danielle will last long. I think they will be taken out very soon. I think that this Thursday -- once someone new wins HOH (not Dick), they will be smart and put up Dick and Danielle again...hopefully they will be smart and do this...