Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nina, matt, and Neko - Oh My!

I just uploaded two new songs to that Box widget thingamajig down there in the right-hand column - I'm seriously neglectful of that thing, I know - and thought I'd tell y'all what they are since they're there now. I'm also giving you the links to download them, cuz I'm a generous, kind soul. Strangely, they both feel kinda reminiscent of 70's Lite FM to me - am I nuts? - but I guess that's what I've been feeling lately...

The first is an oldie but a goodie - not even sure where it's from or if it was ever officially released (and am far too lazy to look it up right now; if anybody knows you can tell me in the comments, that's sooo much simpler), but it's a cover of the song "Black Winged Bird" by my love, my life, Nina Persson of The Cardigans.

The second song is a new song - it's off of the great matt pond PA's forthcoming album, titled Last Light (out Sept. 25th), and it's a duet with none other than the other love of my life (who am I kidding, I have like a thousand loves of my life, but she's a big one!), Neko Case! It's called "Taught To Look Away" and I've listened to it like 1000 times in the past 24 hours.

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