Monday, August 06, 2007

I Am Monday Morning's Link

--- Is Tom Hanks going to play conflicted book-burner Guy Montag in Frank Darabont's adaptation of Fahrenheit 451? I don't know, ten years ago I could've seen it, but he feels a bit old now. Plus, ever since watching The DaVinci Code I just sorta can't look at Tom Hanks anymore.

--- There are some behind-the-scenes videos of the Cloverfield (Not Its Real Name) shoot here in NYC over at ShockTilYouDrop.

--- Another creepy pic of Vinnie Jones in the Clive Barker adaptation Midnight Meat Train has appeared at BD (and there -->)

--- BlackFilm has an interview with actress Salli Richardson on her role as Will Smith's wife in I Am Legend. If you know anything about the story (or have seen the trailer for the film, or read the tag-line on the poster) then you know her participation in the film has got to be... extremely limited... to put it mildly. But I found the interview really funny, knowing that, because she's asked to describe her character and is forced to dance around the fact that (spoiler!) she'll be croaking really really fast, and is really just the "what he lost!" archetype that'll haunt Will's character through the rest of the film.

--- Rumors swirl that Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe are trying to work things out. Even though Phillippe's rep denied the story, I'm posting it because those crazy kids have got to make it work! (and so that skank will leave my Jake alone!)


Cherita said...

Oh, the things I continue to learn from you, JA!

I did not know (because I had no reason to know, I guess) that CB's Midnight Meat Train would be brought to the screen in bloody brilliant technicolor. I'm feeling queasy already. Though fans of Mr. Barker's writing and his films appear to be almost mutually exclusive (and yes, I am in the book camp) I think I will give this one a shot.

As for Reese and Ryan, I'd love to believe that bullshit, not just because I want Jake for myself (and don't you have your own man already? back off) but for the sake of their kids. But I find these rumors and their reporter even less credible than the Reese And Jake Are In Love twits. Oh, and that bitch over at Dlisted sure sounds like a bitter un-celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Wait -- is Ryan the skank? (I couldn't help it, lol)