Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Drive Sputters, Totally Dead

Poor Tim Minear. I ought to send the guy a bunch of chocolates or something, he just can't catch a break. At least he does keep getting a shot and is generally recognized as one of the more talented, if consistently unlucky with shit-headed television executives, guys out there and will probably get another, hopefully longer lasting, show on the air in the future.

As for his last unfairly canceled flop, Drive, FOX is being their usual shit-headed selves and kept moving the final two remaining episodes around the schedule before completely removing them altogether.

Now, it appears, the only way we're going to see them is by watching them at where they'll, again supposedly, show up sometime in the next week or so. This is according to AICN, where they've also posted, via the lips o' Minear himself, everything that would've happened on the show if it'd been allowed to exist and not been stamped out cruelly by shit-heads. If you scan through the spoilers, close your eyes and imagine the greatness that could've been.

Sigh. Now Nathan Fillion, star of Drive, is going to show up on, of all horrors, Desperate Housewives. Goddamn he is so much better than that. What a world, what a world.

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