Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Beowulf Trailer


The trailer for Beowulf is online, you can watch it here (via FilmIck); I took some screengrabs...

I can't believe they've got me hard for a cartoon Ray Winstone wearing a headband (!), but... I'm easy like that. Also, a few brief glimpes of the monster Grendel himself; I'd say he looks the most like his human counterpart of them all!

Sorry Crispin... couldn't help myself.


J.D. said...

Is this animation, or CGI, or green screen, or motion capture, or WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MOVIE!?!??

Anonymous said...

Angelina looks deliciously evil...

Jason Adams said...

JD, it's a performance capture thing they've got going on, mixed with an all CG world... it's basically Polar Express just with better already technology. Think Gollum from LotR throown into the world of Sky Captain. Or that's basically how I'm reading the technology that they're using. Techno-crap is always my weak point; it's why I became a film studies major after two years of flailing about in filmmaking classes. I can barely aim a camera straight.

Paxton Hernandez said...

It looks like crap to me, but anyway we'll wait.

Angelina looks like Alexander bad.