Friday, June 01, 2007

Today's Mood


Vinz (Vincent Cassel),
La Haine

"You talkin' to me?"


Glenn Dunks said...

What did I tell you, Ja? WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!

and from La Haine too! Only one of the very best movies of 1995.


He. Is. Delicious.

Jason Adams said...

I only saw La Haine a couple weeks ago, and yes, I totally agree - it was really fuckin great.

And only after seeing it do I understand the Vincent Cassel thing, cuz he wasn't doin it for me before; the few things I'd seen him in he seemed gross.

But I should've known you (and Monia B) would be right - he is delicious.

Glenn Dunks said...

I'm always right, Ja. ALWAYS

It's 1.30am and I'm going to bed and I just know Vincent's gonna be poppin' up in my dreams now. Which is both a good thing and a very good thing. (I'm tired)