Friday, May 11, 2007

Welling Noir

I stopped watching Smallville like 40 seasons ago (seriously - how is this thing still on?), but I stumbled on these pictures and it gives me yet another thing to bitch about the CW Network with regards to (you know, besides the constant Veronica Mars cancellation watch whilst Smallville is renewed through the end of time): the people making this show took their "Film Noir" episode seriously, did their research, and put Tom Welling in a bunch of really beaufitul 40's suits as well as let him strip down to his wife-beater A-Shirt, and then you, CW Network, had to cram your stupid logo on top of the sight of Tom Welling in his wife-beater A-Shirt?

Move that thing! God. Anyway,
seriously - Welling looks downright jump-on-able in stills from this episode, though. Who knew black and white would agree with him so well?


John T said...

Why doesn't Hollywood make more Black-and-white noir? Laura, Double Indemnity, Touch of Evil-these were great movies, this genre needs a revival.

Oh, and you're right, Tom Welling is delicious.

Jason Adams said...

Well, I haven't seen The Good German yet, but wasn't that a recent attempt that failed miserably? I'm guessing that might put the kibosh on any more of that for awhile.