Monday, May 07, 2007



Details are still sketchy at this point, but news is beginning to trickle out about this year's New York Asian Film Festival, from June 22nd until July 8th. I'll surely be updating y'all with more news as it reveals itself, but for now I just have to make really high-pitched sounds at the following two confirmed screenings (from Subway Cinema):

I’M A CYBORG (BUT THAT’S OKAY) – (2006, Korea) Park Chan-Wook abandons Mr. Vengeance, Lady Vengeance and his Oldboy to make a sweet, loopy romance set in a mental hospital between a girl who thinks she’s a cyborg and a kleptomaniac, thus proving that all you need is robot love.

BIG BANG LOVE: JUVENILE A – (2006, Japan) Takashi Miike’s homoerotic prison story is trying to freak you out! Modern dance, sci fi, abstract sets and a love story between two murderers are the tools in his psychedelic arsenal. You thought you’d seen it all? Think again.

I've already done my fair share of posting on both these films (see here and here), so needless to say I'm pretty psyched for an actual opportunity to see them on a real screen in the near future. I love you, New York Asian Film Festival.

There are a bunch of other interesting looking films playing that are listed, and more to be announced, so stay tuned to Subway Cinema for more updates.

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