Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Tuesday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. Sorry for my disappearing act Friday afternoon; it just felt really nice to turn my brain mostly off for a couple of days and hardly sit on a computer. So I did it! I did it! And my brains feel fresh. Or mostly fresh. As fresh as these tired brains can get anyhow.

So a happy Tuesday to y'all. Regularly scheduled blogging ought to commence very shortly. But first, a question:

If you know the below-pictured male model's name, does that irritate you? Because it irritates me that I've been force-fed his name when I don't even think he's that attractive. Well, face-wise I don't think he's attractive, he obviously... takes decent care of his physique.

Sorry, this was a brief conversation I had with the boyfriend over the weekend and I realized, I don't want portions of my brain to be taken up with the names of male models. But large portions are! I want my brain back!

Yeah, carry on.


Glenn Dunks said...

See, if I knew this guy in real life I'd most certainly think he was a hottie and would not throw him out of bed, but I want my unattainables to be masculine men. I see enough of these sort of guys in the media and they all just blend into one another with their waxing and their girly poses (I swear, so many of these models must think Zoolander is a documentary). They're utterly boring.

It's the same with women, I suppose. Don't straight men want their unattainables to be sex bombs? Not blonde identikit twigs.

I dunno. My tastes are just weird like that.


Jason Adams said...

Word, kc. Word.