Thursday, April 12, 2007

RIP Kurt Vonnegut


Kurt Vonnegut
November 11, 1922 – April 11, 2007

"Live by the harmless untruths that make you
brave and kind and healthy and happy."


Anonymous said...

Sad. I feel like a huge jerk that I thought he was already dead. How many of his books were turned into movies?

Jason Adams said...

I posted this wonderful list of his back in Sept of 2005, but yeah, hadn't really heard much about him since then.

Here's his projects that were turned into movies of some sort on IMDb. I also saw on NY1 this morning that he apparently played himself in the Rodney Dangerfield opus Back to School, which, er, suprised me. But then, he was full of suprises.

I want nothing more in this world then to see Cat's Cradle turned into an awesome movie. But without his prose I dunno if it'd ever work.

Anonymous said...

Why do I know this? Vonnegut wrote a term paper for Dangerfield on one of his own books in the movie and got a B.