Thursday, April 26, 2007

The B-Day Boys


A double dose of birthday hotness today - Smallville (yes, that thing is still on, good grief) star and boy-Superman Tom Welling turns 30 years old today, and former-model, current It-boy Channing Tatum turns 27.

So, in their honor of course, why don't we all take a moment this morning to cast the two of them in some sort of, say, oiled-up birthday wrestling match. To the victor goes the spoils*!

PS - can you believe how respectable I kept the above photographs???

* "the spoils" in this case mean me, of course;
and seriously, whomever wins, they can share

1 comment:

Blog Expert said...

Check out Channing Tatum's #1 fan blog, Channing Tatum Unwrapped (, to see what unique gift the blog and its readers have given Channing for his 27th birthday!