Friday, March 23, 2007

Children Coming

The best movie of 2006, Alfonso Cuarón's Children of Men, is coming to DVD this Tuesday and I cannot wait. I got to watch it twice in the theaters, and judging from my second viewing it's a film that only gets richer with each subsequent viewing so I imagine I'll be plunking down with this DVD often once I get my grimy paws on it.

And as what sounds like an awesome bonus, listen to Cuarón himself, in an interview at AICN, describe a documentary he directed specifically for the DVD:

"I’m very excited about the DVD because… you know, I’m not a big fan of director’s comments or behind the scenes. What I proposed for this one was a documentary. What I did is put together a social frame that we were going to deal with.

When I set out to do CHILDREN OF MEN it was because I wanted to make an exploration to the state of things, to the things that are shaping the first decade of the 21st Century. In other words, shaping our future.

So, we did a lot of research and then with this documentary we got to interview some of the thinkers that were so influential in creating the scenario for the film. A documentary version of what’s in the film.

We interview people like Naomi Klein and James Lubbock… they talk not about the film, but about the themes that are involved in the film. I think it’s a very relevant documentary. I’m very proud of it because I get to share, through the documentary, the thoughts of these amazing minds. And it’s almost like a post-apocalyptic movie!"

Sounds, like everything associated with this astonishing film, in a class of its own. Cannot wait!

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