Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Giant Bunnies Are Coming!


Of all the horror movies in all the world, Night of the Lepus is the absolute last one I ever would've forseen coming true. But we're halfway there!

From Yahoo!:

"German breeding super-sized rabbits to feed North Korea

EBERSWALDE, Germany (AFP) - In a small corner of the former East Germany, a retired truck driver is hoping to alleviate the hunger of North Korea with his super-sized rabbits. Karl Szmolinsky, 67, has been breeding German grey giant bunnies -- among the world's biggest -- for more than 40 years.

But he caught the attention of the reclusive communist state last year when he won a competition in his home state of Brandenburg with a rabbit called Robert, weighing in at a hefty 10.5 kilogrammes (23 pounds). Local newspaper coverage of the giant bunny was picked up by a North Korean television crew and the word spread.

"A delegation from the North Korean embassy came to the house in November. They were interested in the rabbits and kept repeating in German, 'kilo, kilo, meat, meat'," Szmolinsky said.

The rabbits are startlingly big -- roughly the size of a small pig. "One adult animal can feed a family of six," Szmolinsky said....

Giant rabbits have giant appetites -- the fully-grown adults consume up to a kilogramme of food a day -- but what they eat is available in North Korea. "They told me they have enough rice, potatoes and grass. That should do," Szmolinsky said.

"If they do things properly, if they look after the animals, they can succeed. But I won't be able to tell for sure until I see for myself what they are doing."

The North Koreans have offered to pay for him to visit the country to check the animals are breeding properly. The trip is planned for April, "but I haven't had any word from the embassy for three weeks", he said. While he waits in hope for his visa, Szmolinsky is fielding interest from across the globe with officials from China and Peru also keen on his oversized bunnies."

First North Korea, NEXT THE WORLD.

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