Friday, January 12, 2007

Quote of the Day


From an interview at CHUD with Gerard Butler on the set of 300:

CHUD: And you're wearing the leather loincloth.

Butler: The codpiece. How can I defend loincloth with codpiece? No it's not a loincloth, it's a codpiece goddamn it. (laughs)

CHUD: Did you have any issues with it?

Butler: Not anymore. I don't even think about it. I did at the start because, you know, I remember the first time that I tried it on, I had to walk past a lot of the crew who hadn't really seen anybody dressed like this yet. So, I didn't even have my cape on. I walked past in a pair of trainers, black socks and a leather codpiece, with nothing else on. And all the plasterers, and the joiners, and the electricians were sitting eating sandwiches just watching me walk past and I could see the smirks on their faces and I thought, “Is it going to be months of this?” But the funny thing is, now, they don't blink an eye, I don't even think about it, and also when you work so hard on your body and suddenly you’re proud of the way you look, I'm quite happy to show off! I'm pretty much happy to walk around naked any chance I get, because I know as soon as this movie finishes it'll all disappear again, so I might as well enjoy being seen while I have it.



Glenn Dunks said...

Can Gerard Butler walk around in nothing but a codpiece, like, 365/24/7? I don't think anybody would object.


Yaseen Ali said...

As much as I try, I cannot forgive Gerard for his atrocious performance in the Phantom musical. I've gone to therapy to deal with my beloved childhood musical's raping on the big screen, but I'm still traumatized.

par3182 said...

i just realised a friend of mine designed the costumes for 300; i'm so freakin' jealous

Jason Adams said...

Er, YEAH! We should all be VERY jealous! How does one go about measuring Butler's in-seam for a leather diaper? However one does, I wanna partake!