Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Candarian Demon In C-Minor


Okay, I spoke way too soon about there not being anything interesting (you know, besides all that boring Armageddon stuff in the Middle East... yawn) happening today.

From Gothamist:

"The production team of George Reinblatt, Christopher Bond and Frank Cipolla will be opening Off Broadway Evil Dead: The Musical based on the 1981 cult classic horror flick by Sam Raimi. It'll be directed by Bond and Hinton Battle, who also choreographed the show.

Tying in with the Midnight Movie plot of a group of friends visiting a wooded cabin and unleashing untold evil, they'll be offering performances starting at 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

Also if you're really into the guts and gore aspect of hack 'em up horror, be sure to ask to sit in the first few rows identified as the "Splatter Zone." No news yet whether the evil book will get a tap dance solo.

Previews begin October 1 with the opening November 1 at New World Stages."

I am soooooo there for this, sitting in the Splatter Zone. The Splatter Zone!!! Awesome.

ETA in the comments to the above-linked-article at Gothamist someone pointed out that Hinton Battle, the co-director/choerographer for this musical, was the fellow who played the singing & soft-shoeing demon Sweet in the musical episode of Buffy! All-around coolness!

"What a lot of fun
You guys have been real swell
And there's not a one who can say
This ended well
All those secrets
You've been concealing
Say you're happy now,
Once more with feeling
Now I gotta run
See you all in hell. "

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