Thursday, March 30, 2006

THIS Is What I Get?


So I watch Lost last night, and like I said yesterday, I'm all optimistic because of Jeff Jensen from EW saying he can't wait to discuss "It" for weeks to come. Moron! I should've known it'd end up being some bullshit bunch of gobbledygook, indecipherable symbols and what not, that he and the rest of indecipherable-symbol-loving jackarses would be excited about.


I don't want more nonsense! I want an answer! Just one, an answer to anything, any random thing. Even a throwaway thing! Tell me the story of what made Jack tear the sleeves off his shirt, and I'll be temporarily satisfied.

And not even a shirtless Jack in sight! What an effing jip. Though I was hoping that Jack and Sawyer would take Kate up on her sarcastic offer to get a ruler for comparing manhoods. That'd be must-see TV.

Anyway, we did find out that the guy they've got Locke'ed up in the hatch is an "Other". Or, at least, someone who stole the name of a dead guy buried under a balloon. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo.

But now Jeff Jensen and his crypto-co-horts can spend weeks figuring out what the octogonal map of the island all means. What joy! I can barely hold it all in, I might just begin to peel the flesh off of my eyelids in anticipation!

I hate you, Jeff Jensen.

1 comment:

matthew h said...

Crap like this is why I stopped watching the show! It's dead to me! Dead!