Monday, December 12, 2005

Hello, Good Bai

So, surprisingly enough, I'm highly looking forward to the next flick by the director of Donnie Darko. 'Magine that. Anyway, I knew Sarah Michelle Gellar was in it, which, Buffy fanatic that I am had me psyched enough, but I had no idea that...


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Oh my god, this is gonna be the bestest movie ever.

Well, the bestest movie ever that doesn't have Jake Gyllenhaal as a gay cowboy. Hey, director Richard Kelly, Jake owes you a favor for casting him as Donnie, and Southland Tales is sounding pretty wacky - how about you have Jake pop up for a scene or two as a gay cowboy. Just standing in the background or something. No, I got it! SMG is playing a porn star in your movie; you can have Jake be doing some hardcore gay cowboy porn for a scene... or an hour. Or two.

You know, I could rule Hollywood with these sorts of ideas.

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