Thursday, November 03, 2005

That Time Already

I just added a link to the sidebar over there --> for The Envelope, an Oscar-prognosticating site via the L.A. Times, which I found thanks to EW. Yes, that's a bit 6-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon-y.

Anyway, on their front page they have a poll for which current frontrunner you, the reader, thinks will win Best Picture, and I just have to laugh at the inclusion of Steven Spielberg's Munich. NO ONE (outside of the editing room) has seen a frame of this film. It only finished filming a little over a month ago, and I read an article yesterday that they are working like dogs to get it done in time for the screening deadline for award consideration, and that composer John Williams hasn't written a single note of music yet.

Yet... there it is, considered a frontrunner for Best Picture.

I mean, I love Speilberg as much as the next guy. Sans ending and Tom Cruise, I think War of the Worlds was one of the best films of this year. And Stevie's got a record to back up this speculation - the past two times he's done two movies in one year, the first was always the popcorn blockbuster and the second movie was the Oscar shoo-in. In 1993, he did Jurassic Park in the Summer and Schindler's List in the Fall, which worked out really well for him, and then The Lost World and Amistad in 1997, which... well, okay, not so well. Kinda the same deal again in 2002, with Minority Report in the Summer and Catch Me If You Can in the Fall. Anyway, you get the gist.

So I get that Munich is the Serious Film yang to his Alien Kaboom Movie ying, and hence the speculation. But, really, it just makes me laugh, all the Oscar forecasting when who knows if he's even going to finish the thing on time. But I like the poster, anyway:

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