Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I Got Nada

Busted! I am braindead today. Nothing's sparking my interest. Nothing seems funny or interesting enough to ramble about in here. The world has lost all meaning!!!

I blame seeing Jake's nethers in Jarhead. They swamped my brains (what, you thought I'd make it through a post without mentioning him?). I really ought to just rename this place after him since he accounts for the subject of probably 75% of my posts the last few weeks. After I see Brokeback next week, maybe I'll be able to think about something else.


The image “http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/roadside_attractions/sarah_silverman__jesus_is_magic/sarah_silverman/jesusismagic_poster.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

You can download a song from Sarah Silverman's film Jesus Is Magic, which comes out this Friday (in select cities!) over here.

There - now this post has a reason for being.

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