Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Smorgasbord! Orgasbord, Orgasbord!

All the following links have been stolen, I mean, found... via BoingBoing, which is on fire today.

This dude printed a bunch of dialogue bubbles and slapped them all over the city and then photographed what people wrote in them. Funny ha ha stuff.

The image “http://illicitohio.com/SBNO/heritage/castle/DCAO0164.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Poor Tammy Faye. This dude took a bunch of pictures (above) of the abandoned PTL headquarters-cum-funland, Heritage USA, which is where that nogoodnik Jim Bakker channeled his bamboozling into.

The image “http://www.jti.co.jp/sstyle/manners/ad/change/gallery/images/im_grapic03.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Really odd pro-smoking campaign from Japan.

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