Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hot Gals

I've always liked Rose McGowan. She seems smart and funny. She was in Scream (yay) and she dated Marilyn Manson, the latter which in theory makes her more interesting but actually just ended up be hella creepy.

This ramble is only here to have an excuse to link to this picture, which is awesome.

Why is she still on Charmed, though? Doesn't the gal get offered anything? I bet she refuses to suck dick for a part. Dammit, Rose! You're not going to get anywhere with that sort of attitude.

Also coming to us via I Don't Like You In That Way is this disturbing assortment of Rachel McAdams pictures in which she all but wiggles her labia in my face. Rachel, I still love you, but you don't have to resort to Maxim-type b.s. You're above that. It's fine, get it outta the way early, so you can move on to better things. But damn. Don't finger yourself in public again.

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