Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Harding of Friedrich

There are several moments that made me gasp in Nosferatu, but none louder than when Aaron Taylor-Johnson revealed the very important and critical detail that his character of "Friedrich Harding" dresses to the left. And let us take this opportunity to congratulate the film's costume designer Linda Muir on her richly deserved Oscar nomination! See two more gifs from this moment right here -- there's another moment in the movie (seen here; thx Mac) where Aaron's constant co-star makes a similar cameo but it was this shot above that really shook me to my core, personally. Stormed my castle, even! I mean -- they're plaid pants, even! This was a message sent directly to me, I know it. In all seriousness I could 100% write a serious piece of criticism on the abundance of phallic imagery in Eggers' adaptation if, you know, I was a serious person. Instead we get bulge gifs! Awooga!


Daddy Bri said...

The simple comment, "Oh, my!" went through my brain when I saw this in the theatre. I have enjoyed seeing these moments in films set in historical periods. There is something to be said for tight high-waisted pants, both front and back.

Frank said...

I noticed that when I saw the movie!

Anonymous said...

I still prefer Costume Design in One million little pieces. Aaron Taylor-Johnson´s costume in the shower scene is Oscar-worthy.

mac20 said...

Thank you for your diligent reporting (and visual aids) for this important issue.