Friday, December 13, 2024

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Nobody guessed this one yesterday 
so here are five more frames!

Can you guess the movie now?


sissyinhwd said...


Jason Adams said...

Nope not The Pelican Brief

Anonymous said...

It's so obviously She's All That. Come on, Jason! The phone book frame is from the scene where Zack Siler is trying to find Laney Boggs' home number so he can ask her to the prom. Like duh and stuff.

SPOILER: She's a bet...a fucking bet!

Anonymous said...

Asking more politely--She's All That?

Jason Adams said...

Nope not She's All That ;)

I will add five more frames in a minute which will hopefully help y'all out!

Anonymous said...


I'm the first anon who made the joke about She's All's only right that I got this. Take that, second anon (i.e. the impostor)!

Anonymous said...

I Love Trouble. No exclamation points in the title. Not even one.

Anonymous said...

"Julia Roberts is a huge star, loved by many. But did you know she has a decades-long feud with Nick Nolte? It all started on the set of "I Love Trouble," where their strong personalities clashed. Julia found Nick's behavior rude and unbearable, sparking a lasting hatred."

All the LOLs

Anonymous said...

No. ALL CAPS and all exclamation points.

Jason Adams said...

I LOVE TROUBLE is the movie, caps or no caps -- GOOD WORK :)