Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

So I messed up last week and forgot that no one had guessed this one from Thursday! So here are five more frames to help y'all out:

Can you guess the movie?

Still no guesses! We haven't one stump y'all like 
this in ages. So here are yet five more frames...

... bringing the total to fifteen frames!
Can you guess the movie now?


MinDC said...

Source Code?

Jason Adams said...

Nope not Source Code

sissyinhwd said...

Is it KILL the Indian film from this year.

Jason Adams said...

Nope not KILL

Anonymous said...


Jason Adams said...

Nope not Sicario

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, anyone guess this yet? I haven't a clue.

Jason Adams said...

Oh shit I forgot this hadn't been guessed -- I will try to remember to add five more on Monday if nobody's guessed it by then!

Anonymous said...

Not to nag or anything but this one still hasn't been guessed and you've posted another. The people want to know (by people, I mean me, I'm still technically a person).

sissyinhwd said...


Jason Adams said...

Nope not Kumiko

Anonymous said...

TRAP? (but without the question mark)

Jason Adams said...

Nope not Trap

Paul Toes said...

The Good Mother!

MinDC said...

you're literally gonna have to show us the opening credits including names. LOL

Jason Adams said...

PAUL TOES FOR THE WIN!!! It is The Good Mother, an actual movie starring Hilary Swank, Olivia Cooke, and Jack Reynor, that came out last year. GOOD WORK, PAUL TOES - you have shown them all! ;)

Anonymous said...

I only guessed Trap because that close-up of Jack's face (apparently) looked rather Josh Hartnett-like in profile. Haven't seen either movie.

Didn't you do Trap recently anyway? I feel like you may have, but am too lazy to verify.

bdog said...

I remember a film called The Good Mother with Diane Keaton, which was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Now that I think about it, that darker, sculpted eyebrow doesn't look like it would be Jack's. Is that close-up actually Hillary? She's always had a mannish quality to her face, I guess. LOL

Jason Adams said...

Anon -- that is Hilary, but the second you guessed Trap I looked at that frame and could see Hartnett in it