Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

Raising Cain (1992)

Nan: You know Dr. Nix, 
I should be going out with older guys. 
I'll tell you somethin'. For a man your age, 
you're uh, you're still pretty cute. 
Cain: It's not the mileage, honey. It's the make.

A happy 84 to the legend Brian De palma today! I've actually been re-watching little bits of the 2015 doc De Palma this week in an unrelated coincidence, which I recommend everyone see if you haven't before (here is my review) -- it's nothing but two hours of the man telling stories about making his movies and it's riveting. It's exactly what I want from a doc about a filmmaker. I wish they'd make one for every master still at work right now just like this. 

Anyway do we think that he's got another movie in him? IMDb has two listed as "In Development" -- one called Catch and Kill described as "a horror film set in Hollywood and featuring a predatory movie mogul" and one called Sweet Vengeance that's described as being "reportedly a murder mystery inspired by two real-life murders." But it's been five full years since his last movie Domino came out and that one wasn't well-received at all (with good reason since it wasn't great) -- still I would love for him to drop at least one more sleaze-bomb on us. Not that his legend isn't secured -- I am just greedy!

1 comment:

MinDC said...

LOVE DePalma but to answer your question, no, I don't think he has another good movie in him.