Thursday, August 22, 2024

Manny Jacinto Eleven Times

Not that it's possible to take a bad photo of Manny Jacinto -- as I've said more times than I can count I am sometimes convinced he is a computer-generated special-effect and not an actual flesh-and-blood human being (but if you want to come touch me to convince me otherwise, Manny, I am here and waiting!) -- but he looks super fine in this new photoshoot for Nuvo magazine. I guess we'll have to take these in exchange for stupid Disney canceling his Star Wars series The Acolyte, though I must admit I was part of the problem...

... even when Manny took off his clothes I still didn't watch the show! I kept meaning to but I can't bring myself to get excited Star Wars anymore. I was never the biggest Star Wars person anyway but there's just too much of it right now. Okay I'm not exactly making the case for The Acolyte at this point so I'll shut up. How about that Manny though? Hubba bubba. Hit the jump for more...


Clay Poupart said...

'The Acolyte' was total garbage, and even the hard work of the 2 really good actors in the cast couldn't elevate it. Lee and Jacinto deserved better.

Critifur said...

I completely agree with Clay, It was incredibly disappointing.