Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Good Night, We Said

Well I seem to have run out of things to say for the day, so that'll be our Tuesday. I kinda just want to run home, hopefully avoiding the big rainstorm about to hit NYC, and watch Prez-to-be Kamala Harris introduce her veep-to-be Tim Walz in Pennsylvania and maybe feel some f'ing hope in my empty chest cavity for a change. What a thought! Anyway on that note -- click here to donate to their campaign! Let's make it a killer day for fundraising for the good guys. And in return for all of these excellent, sexy vibes, I gift you with that photo of Oscar Isaac. You are welcome.


Anonymous said...

I want Oscar in MY Oval Office!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The Harris-Walz rally was a mood!
Great chemistry and a very good message. Bet DonOld was livid and Vance took to the couch. Oscar is delicious.