Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Gael y la Luna

Seeing these new photos of forever besties with benefits Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna (via) reminds me that it's been a very long time since I have watched the movie that began it all Y tu mamá también. I need to get on that, but I do feel as if the minute I re-watch one Cuarón movie I am going to have to suddenly re-watch them all, and I keep holding out for a 4K remaster of Children of Men before that happens. WTF are they even waiting for? That movie has been begging to get a great re-release for ages. Anyway I digress -- I'm using these photos as a smoke-screen for my disappearing act -- I'm headed off to get my new Covid vaccine! And so should you be! See y'all tomorrow. And if you wanna bring either -- or both, both is good -- of these fellas with ya, feel free!

1 comment:

Shawny said...

I went to Lazy Bear but got a booster a week before. Good thing I did. I came back with Covid. But it was quick and not so bad compared to the first time I had it. Hubby got covid from me, and he didn't get the booster and had a difficult time with really bad congestion.