Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Happy 51, Patrick Wilson

There is something just right about Patrick Wilson being born on the third of July -- for as long as he's been acting he's been the suburban dream of the American Suburban Dad, for good or evil -- whether it be fighting demons in the Insidious and Conjuring movies or surreptitiously slamming Kate Winslet against the downstairs dryer in Little Children. The latter role was his breakout and with good reason -- something tells me clandestine affairs across the country found some sweaty inspiration from it, even if the movie was, you, know, a bit of a downer (when it wasn't being hot as hell). Anyway thinking about that role always makes me then think about the spin he did on a similar thing five years later in Diablo Cody's viciously funny Young Adult -- those two characters are basically the yin and yang of Suburban Dad-ness. Which brings us to today's birthday poll for the beautiful and talented fella...


Carl said...

I will always imagine him in Mormon underwear

Anonymous said...

Which is hotter? Patrick Wilson in...

O Little Children
O Young Adult
O The nude

Anonymous said...

He was full on drop-dead gorgeous, Paul Newman-levels of handsome combined with modern hotness in Little Children. That film should've made him a huge star.