Friday, June 07, 2024

Jake Gyllenhaal Seven More Times

Well no I didn't have any intentions of posting today, now that you ask. But seven more photos of Jake Gyllenhaal's photo-shoot that I shared with you yesterday popped up (via) and I am sitting here at home, having just gotten back from a Tribeca screening trying to cool myself down from the wretched heat outside, so might as well. Right? Right. Only for Jake! (Who, as I noted in yesterday's post, I will be in a room with this weekend! And yes before you ask I already made sure my boyfriend has bail money for me so no worries.) Oh and as long as I'm here I won't be posting Monday, I'll be buried in more Tribeca screenings. So enjoy these an extra day! I'm so goddamned generous. Hit the jump for them all...

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