Monday, June 24, 2024

I'll Show You My Kindness If You Show Me Yours

In case you missed this on my socials over the weekend here is my review of Yorgos Lanthimos' latest Kinds of Kindness over at Pajiba -- or, if you listen to the people leaving comments there, not review. Just a collection of words I guess because I didn't say "Gawrsh I liked the score" or some shit. I know, I know -- I shouldn't even be reading comments on the other bigger sites I write for, much less letting them stick in my craw like this. But I worked especially hard on this review and I was extremely pleased with and excited by what I wrote, and then it kinda got met with a vacuum of silence and I've been feeling a bit frustrated about it all weekend. Newsflash: sometimes the internet can be frustrating! Who knew? Anyway I'll try to care less about what I write in the future and just plop out a bunch of poster-prepped exclamations. "Emma Stone is the actress of her generation!" There do I get a goddamned cookie now? (Thank goodness I have this very private website where I can rant like a whiny little bitch and nobody will notice, right?)


bdog said...

I haven't read it yet b/c I'm avoiding reviews. Are you the only film reviewer on there now?

Lee4rdg said...

This is why I absolutely LOVE you! You're witty and self-deprecating and so smart about the biz of show. Don't ever change!

Jason Adams said...

bdog -- not by any means, there are tons of fine folks reviewing over there besides me

Lee4rdg -- you're very kind, thank you, my ego def needed it today ;)

sissyinhwd said...

As always, I think your writing is great and this is a superb critique. Sorry to say, I absolutely hated this film.

Jim said...

Your review is excellently written. It seems this film must be seen in the theatre because it would be too much work to stick with on the couch at home. :)