Raise your hand if you'd want to be Alexander Skarsgard's submissive little slave boy. And excuse me while I peel myself off of the wall from the sheer force of all of your hands flying violently into the air at once. Anyway that's the plot of an actual movie that is being made -- titled Pillion, Alexander will play, and I quote, "the impossibly handsome leader of a community of kinky, queer bikers." And that's not all -- the movie will co-star the terrific Harry Melling, last seen being dommed by queer biker gang member Karl Glusman in Please Baby Please...
... Harry! My man! I am sensing a theme! But I guess if you're gonna get type-cast I think getting type-cast as the sub to a steady stream of hot actors in leather and denim is probably the way to go. The Way. Anyway the movie is from first-time feature director Harry Lighton, who's previously made some award-winning short films. It's set to shoot in London this summer. Let's hope we see a lot of this one filming on the streets -- I need to see Alexander done up in queer-coded biker gear as soon as possible.
I had a friend who still lives in LA and used to work for British Airways as a concierge for all the VIPs. He has met Alex several times and says he is the most friendly, down-to-earth, and flirty person. And yes, he is a tall drink of water at 6 feet 4 inches tall. He was telling my friend all the hard work he did for his Tarzan role.
Oh yes, he has assisted Janet Jackson. Getting her through the airport was a nightmare. At the time she was married. The couple split up and the British Airways team rushed them through customs and took them through the airport in back passage ways as much as possible. My friend said the husband was freaking out and Janet was trying to calm him down. She gave up and he made it to the departure area on his own. They had two SUVs to take them to the hotel. One was for Janet and all her baggage and one for her husband. Janet was polite and low-key. She did not want to draw attention to herself.
Everything I have seen or heard about Alex seconds what your friend said -- he is apparently the nicest guy around, which is so wildly unfair. At least be a dick if you're that hot, GOD
Did you mean to say, "I think getting type-cast as the sub to a steady stream of hot actors..." in relation to Harry's roles?
Critifur - yes good catch thank you, fixed it -- Me always getting my sub and my doms backwards, story of my life ;)
I think you did it deliberately so Alex would have reason to punish you.
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