Monday, May 20, 2024

Jake Gyllenhaal Seven Times

The only thing that gets me to watch SNL anymore is Jake Gyllenhaal hosting, so I did indeed watch this weekend's season finale and I will do my usual and now share the bumper photos of him that they showcase right before the commercials, which are always my favorite thing of all when he hosts. I was surprised to discover upon googling it just now that he's only hosted three times now? I could've sworn it was more but that's probably just my brain holding a lot of real estate for a few of his skits. It seems generally accepted that this episode's highlight was the Scooby Doo skit and I'd have to agree. But the episode was also a good reminder that it's criminal, absolutely criminal, that Jake has yet to star in a musical film. He keeps making his beefcake action movies when there's a musical theater queen just screaming to come out! So let him out, Jake! Let him siiiiiing! Hit the jump for the photos...

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