Friday, May 10, 2024

Excuse My Violent Nature

When I saw the first-person slasher movie In a Violent Nature at Sundance I knew I'd seen something special -- depending on what you consider the first slasher movie the sub-genre's into its sixth decade (!!!) of existence, and that's if you start with its heyday in the late-70s. (And if you're a nerd who considers the 1960 two-fer of Psycho and Peeping Tom the true beginning, with all of those Italian giallo to follow in between, then you should tack on another decade there.)  The genre has just been begging for a freshening up, and I thought IAVN delivered on its promise. It freaked me the hell out basically, and I said so in my review at Pajiba then. 

Well now the movie's on its way to your eyeballs, hitting theaters on May 31st, and a new trailer is here today and there be my words all over the dang thing. Two quotes! TWO! So excuse me for petting my feathers and making myself feel pretty. I know it's uncouth, but making it into horror movie press just makes my inner 12-year-old geek the fuck out. Earlier this week I showed you that poster for this movie that also had a quote on it? I have already had that thing printed and hung on my wall for god's sake. Professionalism will never usurp my geek nature. Anyway everything I said is true, the movie rules, and I can't wait for y'all to see it. Hell I have been dying to see it a second time myself. Here's that trailer:

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