Thursday, May 23, 2024

Early Haneke Ho!

Incredibly exciting news for dour moody movie-lovers like me today -- Criterion and Janus Films have aquired 4K restorations of four very early Michael Haneke movies that have never seen release here in the U.S. before! Variety reports (thx Mac) that a French company has overseen the restoration of the films alongside Haneke himself -- the four films are Lemmings Tale 1: Arcadia and Lemmings Tale 2: Injuries, both from 1979, Three Paths to the Lake from 1976, and 1993's Rebellion (pictured up top); all of them were Austrian TV projects, which is what Haneke mainly did for the first half of his career. Jeez, Austrian TV sounds intense. You can read brief descriptions of each of the films at that Variety link. Anyway I imagine we can go ahead and clear space on our shelves for a Criterion box-set of these in the sometime-future, huzzah! I've long been annoyed at how much of Haneke's stuff pre-The-Seventh-Continent has been unavailable to watch over here. 

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