Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Good Morning, World

When this Road House promotional photo of Jake Gyllenhaal dropped over the weekend during my eensy little trip upstate to stare at the sun for a few hours I cursed the gods that I'd have to wait to post it -- but they didn't send another earthquake to smite me (not yet anyway) so here I am, posting it now that I am returned. (See a couple others on Twitter.) And saying good morning. Heads-up though that I am mad exhausted, like unreasonably so, so today might be a little bit on the pitiful side. As if you expect any less when you click over here to MNPP! We'll see, maybe I will perk up now that I have caffeine in me-- is it weird that I think it might have been that I just went four days without my morning ice coffee from Dunkin that was making me feel so out-of-sorts? Addict! Anyway here is the video I took from the total eclipse in upstate New York on Monday -- it was cloudy up there (what's new) so I couldn't actually see the thing but the darkness was a truly wild experience in itself:

1 comment:

Jeffery said...

I was watching the Godfather part two and totally forgot it was happening. I did notice it got dark for a while but thought it was a cloud.