Friday, April 19, 2024

Abigail in 250 Words or Less

I don't watch movie trailers anymore and I especially don't watch horror movie trailers anymore, and yet I somehow still knew going into Abigail precisely one thing -- I knew that it is about a tween ballerina vampire. I can't imagine anyone going into this movie and not knowing at least that much. I suppose there are people recovering from comas as I type this, and perhaps the first thing they will do is stumble into a movie theather and just happen to walk into an Abigail screening -- anything is possible! And to them, I say enjoy!

For the rest of us however the exxxtremely drawn out first act of this movie is some seriously unwise plotting -- the revelation of tween ballerina vampire Abigail's tween-ballerina-vampirishness is teased for far, far, far too long, to the point of exasperation. And that milling-about languor mars the film's final act as well, when the film drops about four reasonable endings in a row. In short this movie should be half an hour shorter and it would be more fun. Because when it's fun, it's fun. Great fun. Game cast (Alisha Weir kills it), top-notch gore, and who doesn't love a dilapidated mansion full of dubious strangers plotline? Also lots of sly references to vampire movies of old like Fright Night and Near Dark for the nerds like me. There is a pretty perfect hour twirling smackdab in the middle of this movie, unfortunately smothered by one too many ruffles.


Anonymous said...

Ultimately, if you had to, would you say thumbs up or thumbs down?

Jason Adams said...

Well I actually had to when I put this onto Rotten Tomatoes, and I gave it a thumbs up. Or a fresh tomato, as it were. The fun outweighs the drag.

Brian Golden said...
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