Monday, April 29, 2024

5 Off My Head: Threesome Movies

I know I've told this story here before but in 1994 when the movie Threesome was released I was still very much a closeted high schooler, but I had to see it. HAD to.  This was before the internet so anything with any hint of gay content coming anywhere near my small upstate New York cow town was extremely rare. And yet here was this movie opening at our recently built five theater multiplex! I had to be there! So I sneaked into a screening one night... and bumped into one of my best friends from church. There with her current boyfriend. Her current boyfriend who I had done a little light fooling around with a few years previous. And she insisted on us all sitting together. It was an utterly mortifying experience for me, and probably drove me deeper into the closet for another six months lol. Oh well! 

Anyway threesome movies! They're a good topic for today because of Luca Guadagnino's Challengers being the number one movie in the country, and also totally ruling. So here are five of my favorites!

5 of my Fave Threesome Movies

3 (Tom Tykwer, 2010) 

Design For Living
(Ernst Lubitsch, 19833)

The Dreamers
(Bernardo Bertolucci, 2003) 

Y Tu Mama Tambien
(Alfonso Cuarón, 2001)

(Gregg Araki, 1999)


What are your favorite threesome movies?


MJL said...

Before your time, and not exactly what you were looking for, but Peter Gallagher in Summer Lovers was a revelation for teen me.

VRCooper said...

I am a little older than you-66.

I was so isolated in my teen years and into my early adulthood. I knew I was gay since I was in the single digits. I just didn't venture into exploring. I suppose I was afraid of my father finding out. I wasn't afraid of him, I just didn't want the discussion.

The choice of a three-way would scare me to death. I have never been with a woman. What's down there has no interest to me. And I never dated women.

True story. I was a medic in the AF and took care of patients on a surgical floor doing pre and post-operative care. I actually had to look in my training books on the female anatomy so see how they are built. If I was going to insert a catheter or other do other procedures I would need to know which hole to address. And yes, I have done procedures on women. I just go in there and take care of business. I even had one woman state she preferred a man taking care of her than a woman. She said women are too pansy/prissy.

John said...

VRCooper, I am with you, i am what they called a gold star gay. I can appreciate a beautiful woman but that's as far as it goes. My mom never had a female gynocologist, always a man, Mom was old fashioned

bdog said...

Summer Lovers, yes! That ran on HBO for a long time. Poor Valerie Quennessen, gone too soon. I was crazy about her.
Hard to believe Stephen Baldwin was the hot one, once upon a time. Great ass back then, tho

Michael said...

I remember seeing Threesome when it opened at the Chelsea Cinema in NYC.
Large gay audience. When Baldwin places Josh's hand back on his ass, the
theatre went crazy.

Pierce said...

It's a shame that the film version of Design for Living laundered Noel Coward's original play and cast those three actors in the leads. Fredric March and Miriam Hopkins were nowhere near as great as Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine, but I understand why they were cast. Gary Cooper is another matter. The man was a piece of wood. The only decent performance he ever gave was in Ball of Fire, because there he loosened up, relaxed and enjoyed himself.

For a man who made such great films as To Be or Not To Be and Ninotchka, this is probably Ernest Lubitsch's worst film!

There is a production starring Rula Lenska that was done for British TV and it's on the Noel Coward collection which is much better. The scene where Otto and Leo kiss is a shower scene! Try to see that version instead.

jack said...

"Summer Lovers" was so trashy that it will forever be fastened to my brain,
and it was literally one of the cornerstones in my coming out. [despite its FFM configuration.]

Shawny said...

I've been in a few threesomes...sans vaginas tho

Anonymous said...

Angels of Sex is a good one. Don't like that I have to watch it with subtitles though.

John said...

Anon, I've had it on DVD, the guys are hot