The news that Chris Evans was going to co-star in the next movie from Ethan Coen (sans Joel Coen) and Ethan's wife Tricia Cooke, who together made the lesbian crime caper Drive Away Dolls (read my review here), is news that's at least a few weeks old. I already knew about it when I wrote my review of DAD and that was just two weeks ago. We also knew that the movie is called Honey Don't! (a killer title) and that it is the middle chapter in what Ethan & Tricia intend to be a trilogy of lesbian caper type movies, maybe possible all starring Margaret Qualley as she is also in the cast list for Honey Don't!. (As is Aubrey Plaza, who's about to have one hell of a year oif that John Waters rumor actually comes to fruition.) And we also knew that (following in the footsteps of his MCU co-star Chris Hemsworth in Bad Times at El Royale) Chris Evans is set to play a cult leader in the movie, which -- well show me a person who says they wouldn't join a cult that had Chris Evans as its leader and I'll show you a whopper-telling liar-face.
Aaaaanyway why am I posting about this today? Because yesterday two new little pieces of information appeared via a Chris Evans Fan Account on Twitter -- namely that Evans' character is called "Priest Dean" (a typically hilarious Coen-esque name) and that "the character is described as having multiple sexual partners from within the cult." Which is also not super surprising given, you know, the nature of cults! They're usually almost always just an excuse for the leader to get laid (as is so much in this world). That said -- I think we all need to light our prayer candles this evening that given the extraordinary horny queerness of Drive-Away Dolls that Chris Evans having "multiple sexual partners from within the cult" equals out to "Chris Evans doing some gay shit." The people are owed and demand restitution! So here Ethan Coen, a photo for your film's mood-board:
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