Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A Walk to Dismember

Finally some info on one of my favorites from Sundance this year -- In a Violent Nature is a new slasher film that flips the script by telling the story from the silent stalking killer's perspective, and I loved every weird experimental second of it. Here is my review. It goes hard in two respects -- it sticks hard to its thesis, and you should know beforehand that you've got to be open and receptive to a very deliberate pace. The tension came for me from the slowness. And it goes hard violence-wise -- as if to make up for the pace, the kills in this movie are some of the most gruesome I've ever seen, and lord knows I've seen a lot. It somehow straddles arthouse and grindhouse and appeals to both my own oft-at-odds natures, so of course I loved it. Anyway Shudder is releasing the movie in theaters on May 31st and here's the trailer!

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