Monday, February 26, 2024

Drive-Away Pascals

I think it's kind of funny how hard they have played up Pedro Pascal's role in the advertising for Ethan Coen's movie Drive-Away Dolls, which came out this past Friday -- anybody going to watch this movie for Pedro is going to walk away disappointed (at least in that respect), as he's a one-scene (the opening scene) cameo. But then here I am using Pedro's image for my post about the movie so -- am I any better? Yeah no definitely not. I did pick a pair of goofy ass pictures though, as befits this goofy ass movie. Which I liked! It's not super memorable and it's not going to change the world, but it's a perfectly nice little 90 minutes of fun. And so so gay. Click over to Pajiba to read my review if you missed it over the weekend. 

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