Thursday, January 04, 2024

The Wizard of Lynch

Sometimes I'll say something ridiculous like "Martin Scorsese is the greatest living filmmaker" and I want you to smack me across the mouth whenever that happens, because we all know that the greatest living filmmaker is the one and the only David Lynch. It's disrespectful, that's what it is, and I should be ashamed of myself! Anyway on that note the very fine and fun and informative documentary Lynch/Oz about how influential the movie The Wizard of Oz was on Lynch's movies -- and not just the obvious stuff like Wild at Heart -- is getting a physical media release! This is thanks to Criterion's side-label Janus Contemporaries -- click here for the details. That is out on March 19th. I reviewed that doc ages ago (okay it was only a little over a year ago whatever) when it screened at Tribeca -- read my review right here. And your little dog too! I don't know, that seemed like a succint way to end this post. And now I ruined that!

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