Monday, January 08, 2024

Nice To Grief You

If you'd like to hear my thoughts on Dan Levy's directorial debut Good Grief click on over to Pajiba, where that went up over the weekend, as did Levy's film onto Netflix. It's fine! And yes that's French hot-stuff Arnaud Valois there beside Levy -- he and Luke Evans play love interests for him, which is also pretty much what I would do if I was casting my love interests. Good on ya, Dan.


Shawny said...

I would cast Idris Elba to star as my love interest.

Anonymous said...

Mark and Ramy kissing at the Golden Globes last night was EVERYTHING!

Jack said...

I thought this movie was an over-acted, clichéd train wreck, with sets by Architectural Digest and Condé Nast Traveler. I wasn't sure if the movie was a rom-com, a weepy, or real estate porn. I love Dan Levy. Just not this Dan Levy.

KingRoper said...

I had such high hopes for this; I lost my bf suddenly many years ago and I was prepared to relive the grief, but... this in no way showed the healing process.
And am I superficial for not being able to look away from that thing on Dan Levy's chin? When did that happen?

KingRoper said...
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Anonymous said...

yikes. the dialog.

Aquinas1220 said...

Ug!! This was dreck. It was all so unrealistic, cliched and mawkish.