Friday, December 08, 2023

Today's Fanboy Delusion

 Today I'd rather be...

... going mano a mano with Lee Pace.

Lee Pace seems to be very happy that his Apple series Foundation just got renewed for a third season -- he's spent the past day posting behind the scenes photos and videos and we are all very very grateful for it. I guess at some point I should watch more of the show than that one scene where Lee has his big naked fight? (Which is what he's training for in that video, although with slightly more clothing on. Unfortunately!) It's on the list but god the list is more hours than I'd have with ten lifetimes at this point -- I haven't even started Fellow Travelers (starring Lee's old high school buddy and college roommate Matt Bomer) yet for god's sake...

1 comment:

Shawny said...

Foundation is good but slow. The visuals and effects are top notch. The costume and art direction are often conspicuous. And most of all, though I am enjoying it, the series does not resemble any memories I have of the book.